Happy 3rd Bestday!!! My love Arif... |
Alhamdulillah, last Friday, me and my wife Suhailah managed to organize birthday party for our son, Arif Suhaili bin Afif Farhi. He is now 3. Getting bigger and naughty. With the help of Mama, Abah, Mak, Ayah, adik-adik and family, the party went very well. We had invited nearly 40 people to join us especially family friends and our close friend at uni... It was very happening and I think Arif was the happiest person that night... For the menu, Abah and Mama brought 'Nasi Lemak', Cu Nis made cupcakes, Suhailah and Mak cooked 'bihun goreng', Cik Nana prepared candy table and Cik Ja and I purchased Domino pizza. Food was more than enough. The cake's cutting ceremony supposedly start at 8.30pm. However, due to Friday, I believed most of the guests were facing heavy traffic and we had a late start to wait for them. I opened the ceremony by welcoming everybody and followed by the doa' recited by Abah aka Tok Wan. We prayed may Allah gives Arif a successful life, happiness and be a pious servant of Allah. Arif finally cut the cake at 9.30pm. Everybody was singing the Malay song "Allah Selamatkan Kamu" and “Happy Birthday” that night. I hope all of the guests are happy and will come again every time we have a party.
To my son Arif, this is my wish:
"Arif, Abah doakan Arif happy hidup dengan Mama and Abah. Panjang umur, murah rezeki, jadi anak yang soleh, yang sayang dan hormat Mama dan Abah, jaga Camica elok-elok dan jangan nakal-nakal. Selamat Hari Lahir yang ke-3... Abah dan Mama sayang Arif..."
To all guests, thank you for coming and sorry for any shortcomings. To Mama, Abah, Mak, Ayah, abang-abang, kakak-kakak, adik-adik and all of family members, thank you for your support and love you all... So now, enjoy some of the pics taken that night...
Camica and Tok Mak |
Tok Wan and Camica |
Sebelum Majlis Bermula |
Si Bulat yang menyanyikan lagu untuk anak kesayangannya... Akulah tu... |
Tok Wan mengimami doa' |
Cup Cake Cu Nish, Cik Ja dan Tok Mak... Lazat... |
Camica dengan jejaka sepi... Adinda AG... |
Kek Ben10 Arif... |
Semua berdoa untuk Arif... |
Sepupunya yang comel... Firash... |
Allah Selamatkan Kamu... |
Kemeriahan Majlis... |
Arif bertepuk tangan... |
Tiup jangan tak tiup... |
Upacara memotong kek... |
My family buat masa ni... InsyaAllah tambah lagi... Tak cukup korum lagi ni... |
Arif dicium Camica... |